Wednesday 27 October 2010

Lauren Conrad - Style - Review


You guys knew how excited I was to buy this book so obviously the first opportunity I got I popped down to my local Waterstones and grabbed the one and only copy!
This was 2 weeks ago now... I read the book (every word, cover to cover) in around 2 hours, since then I've gone back over my favourite chapters and now feel in a position to fully review it to you all.

I must admit I love LC so I was a little biased but I think it's a great book! I love her style and she always looks so effortlessly flawless..
There are some great sections to the group..
"Editing Your Closet"
This was great, I honestly felt inspired to revamp my whole wardrobe.. Nothing I own goes together, everything's either cheap or an impulse sales buy.. it's a false economy, pick your style and just buy the key pieces you need. Very capsule-esque.. It's the dream really isn't it?
Sometimes those of us clothes hoarders just need a push to have a big clear out and this worked for me. 

So many clothes and nothing to wear?
We've all been there..
But how do you fix that problem forever?

There's a lot to talk about but in doing so I'll kind of ruin the book for you... She touches on a lot of aspects of shopping, style and organisation. From how to make sure to order the right size online to what items you can get tailored and what you just have let go of 'cause it's never gonna fit you.
There were some Chapters that I found not so informative but that's just because I've seen the "hints and tips" so many times before! How to wear a LBD 5 different ways has been featured in pretty much every glossy rag at some point so there was nothing new here... apart from cute pictures of Lauren of course.

There was even a hair and beauty section.. that was a nice surprise!
I love Laurens simple, classic look. She never really deviates which makes her very iconic but I would definitely get bored. I need to change it up once in a while!
I coveted her hair SO much but when I got may hair and extensions a very near match I realised it's really pretty dull. It's beautiful but there's no WOW factor.. not for me after all.

There's a lot to the Makeup section, Lauren reveals she hates eyeshadow.. I can see why, I had my own falling out with the cosmetic not so long ago but you can't just hate it altogether, where the colour and fashion in your makeup? Without eyes you have only lips to make your statement and she mentions that red lips do not photograph well on her.. so she's pretty much resigned to the flick of the liquid liner for drama on her face. I did like her tip - photograph yourself from all angles with the flash on before you leave the house.. this way you'll see how your makeup will react in photos.. a great tip for a big night out (especially if those photos will be out of your control and all over facebook :p) Some makeup with light reflecting particles may look fab in natural/artificial light but the flash will just wash the colour out of you.
I wasn't so impressed with the little makeup sketches.. pretty plain and lets face it the night/day looks could be the same! I guess it's a guide to LC's makeup so it's pretty acturate but if all they were going to do was how to wears her makeup the section really didn't need to be so large.


Overall the book was a really great read, I couldn't put it down and the style tips I found to be really useful.
I think it all depends on your current knowledge.. I know what I like but I know it doesn't always work for me, any help I can get in making my wardrobe work for me I really appreciate. There's lots on accessorising, all the basics every woman needs and what Lauren thinks is worth spending the big bucks on.
I always think that book reviews, like movie reviews, don't really mean much. It all comes down to personal taste. I really enjoyed the book and I WILL delve back in to it eg. when I next need packing tips or in-flight style advice.

Have you read it yet?
If so let me know your thoughts...


miss bb


  1. OMG soooo jealous I REALLY want this book. I may hav2 pop out an get it asap it looks fab. Im also a big lauren fan :) xx

  2. Ooooh I've never heard of this before, looks like a good read, how much was it lovely?x

  3. I really want this book.. I think im about to head to chapters and buy this book..!

  4. so I bought the book OMG.. I always go back to it..! I am going to do my review as well..!


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