Friday 29 October 2010

I'm Mikhila and I'm a SHOPAHOLIC!

I'm trying to save some money and I've come up with a little idea!
I am a shopaholic! I've tried to give up shopping cold-turkey before in order to save up for something but I undoubtedly fail after day 2/3 (or even 1 in some abismal cases) and it's all over before it ever began.
I can't save money ... end of! I can, however, give someone else money to save FOR me. That would work! We've decided to go to NYC for my birthday again in february - will also get married while we're there providing all goes according to plan.. anywho.. We both agreed not to go crazy on Xmas pressies and my mum and I have already agreed a family budget of £20 per person so This year Xmas will be a budget one all round. In the interest of saving money for our trip I will be trying to scale back my spending, I have never had much luck with this in the past BUT this time I have a plan!
Much the same as when someone goes on a diet.. if you deprive yourself of all treats you will fail.. everything in moderation. I like my Friday night shopping fix,I have a little something to look forward to all week, a little incentive that just keeps me going. Now I can't go out and spend £40+ on whatever beauty product(s) I may have been coveting since Tuesday but I CAN go out and get my spending buzz and I can do it without breaking the bank.

I've wanted to try Models Own nail polishes for a while and have lost count of the amount of times I have filled up my virtual shipping cart with my wishlist online but I've never actually bought any yet.
They're £5 each from Boots which I always thought was a little much for a drugstore brand but I hear such great things I really want to test them out, plus they are fairly sizeable bottles so it's all relative!
I see these polishes as a little indulgent, more than perhaps I would normally spend on a nail polish but less than I'd spend on an average trip to boots... even if I bought two a week I'd still be saving a small fortune... So that's my plan. You may not think much of it now but when I'm tweeting you from the Big Apple you'll be laughing at me from the other side of the Atlantic let alone your face.
Every week I will purchase (or two if I'm feeling crazy) Models Own nail polish until February and Every week I will wear that (or those) shade(s) and review them on this blog. I will be building my collection, giving you all fabulous reviews, getting my shopping fix and actually saving money!
It's simply genius. And the best thing is my boyfriend LOVES nail polish.. He paints my toes for me - he pretty much gives me a weekly pedicure - I know, I'm spoiled! - He loves perousing the different colours with me.. often comparing them to the various sports cars that come in similar iconic shades of paint and get's excited about glitters and duo chromes. So it can even double up as a couples bonding activity :p

 So...I'm typing this very late night on Thursday... you know what that means!!
My first MO Friday is just one sleep away!

I know it can't just be me that craves that  rush from the cash register and I KNOW we all need to be tightening our belts a little coming up to Xmas so I want to bring some of you guys along with me..
Leave your comments below and let me know what you think or even better - that you're going to join me on my money saving mission. As I call this first Shopaholics Anonymous meeting to a close I ask you to stand up, admit you have a problem and... go and buy a load of nail polish ;)

miss bb


  1. Good way to save money, I know it will work out for you. Best of luck to you

  2. That's actually a pretty good idea!
    Good Luck


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