Thursday 7 June 2012

Project Repair Hair - Phase One

If this is the first you're hearing of my recent hair trouble you can see the original post here.
In an attempt to somewhat repair the damage yesterday I started with a DIY deep conditioning treatment. I mixed together a healthy dose of Moroccan Oil and this hair mask I received free in Glamour - I believe. The hair mask alone is actually really nice and having tried it on my pre-ruined hair I thought it would work well for this. I've done A LOT of research into hair damage this week and this method has come up time and time again so I thought I'd share it.

After slathering my lengths and ends (avoiding my healthy roots) in the mixture I popped on my Soap & Glory turban which I'd microwaved damp so it was toasty and warm. I then microwaved a second wet towel and bundled that on top in an effort to contain the heat. I did have to reheat the top towel once every 5mins or so during the treatment to keep everything warm but it wasn't so much of a hassle as I'd made myself comfortable in the kitchen by this point.

You can see my freshly chopped locks for the first time below..

I had already cut more than an inch of my ends myself in an attempt to save the rest and althoughthis treatment didn't restore health it definitely smoothed and conditioned.. it helped!
Also.. Note how straight my hair is. The straightening treatment worked I can't deny that but it absolutely wasn't worth the hair horror that ensued!

Unfortunately I'm still frazzled so step 2 will be protein. I ordered treatments from Redken and Aphogee, The Redken arrived as I was typing this but I'm going to hold out and use the Aphogee first as I've heard the results can be amazing. It's a salon brand and from what I've read it's not pleasant to apply but I can't wait to share that with you. You do have to be careful with protein as if you overdo it or your hair doesn't need it can also be very damaging so I'm nervous but when used properly it sounds like an absolute miracle product.

Aphogee was recommended to me on twitter and I'd never have heard of it otherwise so please, if you have any suggestions, let me know!

Miss BB


  1. As much as you disliked the Sulphate free shampoo you tried, they're honestly less harsh on damaged hair so it may be worth a shot with a brand like Naked until your hair is in better condition again x

  2. Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor is a very, very good protein treatment. Shampoo and then apply it for five minutes and follow with an intensive moisturising mask as protein treatments will strip your hair of moisture. Also 3 More Inches Pre Shampoo Treatment is nice and convenient because you can sleep in it, just make sure to use none silicone products with 3 More Inches as silicone inhibits the intake of the protein. You may also want to look at a spray in protein, I recommended Joico and Chi.
    Good luck, it'll take patience but it will get better. I know this because of what my former hair dresser did to my hair with bleach. Yikes!

  3. Have you tried DIY hair masks? I made an egg and honey one the other day and although my hair hadn't been damaged, my hair felt SO soft and looked so shiny afterwards. You can add other things like olive oil to it too to nourish your hair more. Just an idea anyway. It's so cheap and might be worth a try! It's pretty quick, it took me about a minute to make and I only left it on my hair for ten minutes, so I imagine if you left it on for significantly longer then it would have a more dramatic impact on your hair! Here's a list of a few:
    And I looove the Percy & Reid mask, I'm nearly out of mine :( it smells SO good!

  4. I love Moroccan hair oil, i had slightly damaged and dry hair but after using the oil its super soft and silky now. I use it every time after i wash my hair now.

    I have a post on it on my blog: :)

  5. i'm going through the exact same trauma right now! my hair is so damaged from heat and hair dye that it seems beyond help, however im still trying my best to rescue it! any tips? i'll follow you on your journey and maybe try some of the thing you're trying! :) xx

  6. This is so weird!! I bought the shampoo and conditioner with this Glamour promotion (yes, I did buy two copies just for the hair products!) and I was going to mentioned it to you on twitter, but I figured you'd already heard of it! I actually like your hair a bit shorter, it looks a bit more summery and fresh! x

  7. Joico deep penetrating mask(on feelunique)and Origins mask(rich rewards)!those 2 are miracle products for damaged hair!and also if u warm up olive oil and apply it for a few hours..that will do your hair lots of good!I knwo hwo damaged it was..but now looks so straight and nice :(

  8. Get IC hair polish (only like £7 on Amazon and trust me its a god send) and when you use heat on your hair dont use more than like 160.

  9. Your hair is looking so much better! I use the moroccan oil and it has helped my hair repair and i feel like it has even grown alot since i started using it.. Good Luck with repairing your hair!

  10. Good luck with repairing your hair! Have you tried the olive oil replenishing packs? They sell them in boots for 99p and they are amazing! I bleached my hair and used one afterwards and it really restored moisture to my hair!
