Monday 4 June 2012

Play It Straight? I Wouldn't Recommend It!

I picked this up at my local supermarket back in March specifically to review for you guys and just never got around to it so decided this weekend was as good a time as any. Before I used it of course I checked for other reviews but surprisingly I found none. I did find several sponsored posts promoting it but nobody that had actually used it... strange, I thought. Because of this I wanted to offer thorough step by step pictures as well as before and afters for those searching for them like I was.

Included in the kit:
Smoothing Serum
Sealing Cream
Plastic Gloves

My hair is naturally wavy, above is the result of sleeping on it damp. The got2b kit promises smooth sleek, manageable hair which is quicker to dry and leaves natural curls more defined.

The Directions say to wash and towel dry your hair and split it in to 4 sections. It's apparently important not to use metal clips to do this but I don't know why. You should then smooth the serum on to each section evenly and comb through. The processing time for this stage is 20 minutes, it instructs that you leave your hair down for that time and comb through regularly to keep it straight.

Once the time has elapsed rinse thoroughly and again towel dry and section before applying the sealing cream. You need to keep it straight for 10 mins this time, regularly combing through again.

Above you can see the condition of my hair after both treatments.

The packaging suggests you should blow dry and straighten for best results but truth be told I could barely get a brush through my hair while it was wet. I had to use a great deal of Macadamia Healing Oil to get it to the state you see in the photos above and below

In fairness my hair is very straight but it's absolutely ruined.

The pamphlet warns to be cautious when using on bleached or damaged hair but my hair was in decent condition so I saw no reason to be wary. Unfortunately it's not anymore and I see a substantial cut in it's future thanks to Schwarzkopf

As I type I have a concoction of Philip Kingsley's Elasticizer and the Body Shop Shea Oil slathered on my ends and wrapped in plastic in the hope it will save me some inches from the salon shears but I've accepted I'll have to make an appointment very soon.

I'm not going to say this is a terrible product but much like the John Frieda Go Blonder range you need to know what you're putting on your hair. This product contains hydrogen peroxide so the damage you experience will not be dissimilar to that you would when using an at home bleach. For someone with virgin hair that's coarse, wavy or unruly this would probably work really really well but it IS going to cause damage! When I bought it I kind of expected more of an at home Brazilian blow dry which some of you may know contains keratin and is a highly nourishing treatment.. this is more of a DIY chemical straightening. I did check the ingredients before use and saw HP listed but I just had no idea how strong it would be.

My advice would be if you're trying to be kind to your hair (like I was) avoid this at all costs but if you're looking for a super strength straightening system for a bargain price and you think your hair can handle it then this will absolutely do the job. It's not a conditioning treatment and will not leave it any more manageable but by God it will straighten!

Schwarzkopf Straightening Blowdry Kit
Currently available at boots here for £5.49

Miss BB

*Although I couldn't find any other blog reviews online there are 2 reviews on the Boots site that echo my experience. If you have tried this yourself or do have a review to share please leave it in the comments as I'd love to hear others opinions of this product. I have contacted the company regarding my results and will update here once I receive a response

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  1. Oh dear, I recommended this to a friend the other day thinking it would be good, luckily she hasn't used it yet so I'll recommend she takes it back!

  2. My gosh your poor hair! x

  3. Oh nooo! :( I see this advertised on e4 all the time and I was seriously considering buying it. Thank you for this post, you saved my hair!

    Your before picture is adorable by the way! :)


    1. I know well since it's been advertised so much I thought it was a good time to review.. unfortunately the before pictures going to take at least 6 months to get back to :(

  4. this is why i was scared to try it

  5. I'm always scared to do my own hair. I think I'll just stick with the professionals. Thanks for reviewing.

    1. regular dye is fine but this was like i'd overprocessed bleach.. just awful!

  6. Goof grief. Thanks for doing this.. and sorry for your hair :(

  7. I had a similar experience with a salon Brazilian blow dry so I feel for you:( my treatment should have been £200 (I paid £55 via groupon) and after a few washes, my ends started snapping off and falling out. It has never quite been the same since despite a few good cuts!:( my actual hairdresser told me that cause
    My hair was in good condition before - that it became over-dosed with protein (keratin) which made my hair weak and brittle and they should never have done it. People need to be careful and I woul not recommend this sort of treatment (home or salon) to anyone. Hope you get it sorted;) I think it looked really cute wavy:) emxxx

    1. since this i've read a lot about that stuff and original brazilian blow drys have harsh chemicals! i've ordered some protein treatments now but because of stories like yours I'm tempted to just cut off the damage rather than risk ruining my good hair with too much protein :/

  8. I was going to buy this, but now I've seen this review I think I'll keep away from it! Sorry about your hair! xx

    1. me too :/ and like i said.. not worth the damage to be straight

  9. It makes me cross when bloggers recommend products they haven't used so thank you, thank you for actually trying it and not reposting a press release. I did consider buying it but like you, I say the HP and backed off, your poor hair. Have you got some keratin treatments to use on it? Elasticizer, I think, is more of moisture treatment and I needed to buy specialist protein products when my former hairdresser ruined my hair with a terrible bleaching. I recommend Joico Intensive Reconstructor and Chi Keratin spray if you feel you need the keratin.

    1. honestly, I'd have done the same! A sponsored post is just an advert, none of the girls said 'i've used it, it's amazing' they just promoted that it was available and sounded like a great product which i said in my haul video! i am, however trying to get their ad taken down as i don't feel comfortble promoting this after what happened.
      i'm bought some protein treatments, learned a lot about keratin, moisture and protein this week, i've been using goldwell kerasilk and redken extreme is on its way

  10. Omg I cant believe what its done to your hair. Id be devastated if it done that to my hair because I never check ingredients and dont know what im looking at anyway. So glad you done this post for us, and hope your hair recovers x x

    1. i looked at the ingredients but still wanted to review it for you guys.. it was stupid as otherwise i'd never put peroxide on my hair right now

  11. Oh my God, you must be furious! Have you emailed the company?

    1. i have and will update when they get back to me

  12. omg!! Iwas scared to try this - its made by scwartzkopf, nuff said x hope u dont have to have too much cut off xmsbutterflybaybee

    1. i chopped more than an inch off myself and am trying to save the rest but am not sure it's working :(

  13. Thank you for this post. I would have bought this product and ruined my hair completely. You're a real beauty martyr to us followers. Sorry you have to suffer these consequences to help us out. Hope your hair won't need too much of a cut :-(

    1. me too but it was stupid to use it once i knew it contained HP :(
      like you say at least I can warn others not to use it x

  14. i have never heard of this before but i do quite like the company and all their other products!!
    will be staying well clear. hope you get your hair sorted

    1. i have nothing against the company itself but this is horrendous!

  15. Your poor hair!! I'm sorry you've had to experience such a beauty disaster in the name of trialling :( xx

    1. it has definitely made me more wary for the future x

  16. oh my god thats terrible! hopefully it hasnt caused too much damage to your hair!

  17. Oh my word!! I can't believe what that product did! I feel so bad for you because your hair was really looking lovely and healthy, especially in the "before" picture. Thank you for sharing your experience, its a pity it had to be at the expense of your hair ;o( xxx

    1. i know :( it was finally looking and feeling healthy and this just RUINED it :(

  18. I cannot believe that a product can do that! I ruined my hair using "sun-in" about two years ago, although it wasn't as damaged as yours it was quite bad... Anyway I bought a bottle of Moroccan Oil and after using it on my hair each night before bed for a month my hair was is a better condition. If you haven't already tried the Moroccan Oil I think it may help you hair quite a bit! Best of luck and I really hope you don't have to cut it off! xxx

  19. Uh-ohhhh..hope you manage to get your hair back to normal :| I am never...NEVER EVER..going to use this...ever :|

  20. That is so terrible! You poor thing. I was a little tempted by the Bumble and Bumble version of this... but really I'm far too lazy to bother with the whole process. Thankful I didn't give in!

  21. This product worked great for me, but I did not wash it beforehand, and my hair is much thicker/curlier than yours. It is definitely not straight, but I only wanted to loosen up my curls a bit, so I am very happy with this. I feel bad for you though. I think your wavy hair was quite pretty to begin with. Good luck getting it back into shape.

    1. it has kept my hair straight so it does work but a product that says it lasts for 10 washes absolutely shouldn't do THIS to your hair! it was far stronger than it made out and my hair was also unwashed before application. I'm disappointed not to have received a response from the company yet!
