Thursday 5 April 2012

What Is This?

 I know you're used to me and my rants by now but this is one of my more unusual blog posts.
My recent YouTube video sparked a debate as to what the above item is called. A LOT of people came back with 'loofah' but a loofah is a natural sponge made from a plant so although after a little google research I discovered it's a popular name for this I don't see why. So.. I tweeted the picture and asked what people called it.. here's what came back..

Body Polisher
Shower Scrunchie
Buff Puff
Bath Cabbage
Bath Lily
Body Puff

So.. as you can see it has many names depending on where you first heard of it or perhaps where you bought it. I can tell you that The Body Shop calls it a 'Bath Lilly' and lots of other retailers refer to them as 'Bath Scrunchies' but I am yet to find one that sells them under the name 'Loofah'

I am, I'm afraid, one of those people that when I know something isn't right will go all out to prove my point.. it's not an attractive trait and this is one of it's forms but people.. this is not a Loofah!
THIS is a Loofah..
You can get them on sticks, you an get them on mitts but you absolutely cannot get them made out of plastic netting on a bit of string. I don't know when this injustice began but I am here to tell you that this is a loofah.. accept no imitation!

I actually really like the bath scrunchie doodah's and was raving about them in the video (below) which led to said discussion and in turn this rant but I was overwhelmed at the amount of people that told me the scrunchie was a Loofah. If you are one of them I would be really interested to know why you call it that. Was it second hand information or have you seen it at a store somewhere?
I am perplexed!

Miss BB

Thanks to everyone that tweeted their names for this 'thing'!


  1. I would say a body or shower puff, i brought one today from tesco and the lable said shower puff.

  2. Shower puff :) that's what the price tags in Superdrug say.

  3. In Sainsburys they're called Bath Lillies and thats what I've always known them as as well. I agree though that it is DEFINITELY not a loofah! xx

  4. I have no idea what they're called but my boyfriend loves them; will have to ask him!
    Maddy xx

  5. I call it a shower puff I think! Now I am doubting myself! Lol not a loofah though, definitely never called it that.

  6. I fricking love these shower puff scrunchy balls! they save so much shower gel, i have a bottle of body shop shower gel which has lasted me since christmas because it makes everything foam up so much!
    And i love S&G Heel Genius, popped it on last night actually! oh well, to each their own!

  7. I didn't realise people called them loofahs! To me, this is a body polisher because my mum has always called it that! It does polish fake tan well though when you don't want to exfoliate it all off, but get it looking even after a few days! Xx

  8. I didn't realise people called them loofahs! To me, this is a body polisher because my mum has always called it that! It does polish fake tan well though when you don't want to exfoliate it all off, but get it looking even after a few days! Xx

  9. I didn't realise people called them loofahs! To me, this is a body polisher because my mum has always called it that! It does polish fake tan well though when you don't want to exfoliate it all off, but get it looking even after a few days! Xx

  10. I didn't realise people called them loofahs! To me, this is a body polisher because my mum has always called it that! It does polish fake tan well though when you don't want to exfoliate it all off, but get it looking even after a few days! Xx

  11. I didn't realise people called them loofahs! To me, this is a body polisher because my mum has always called it that! It does polish fake tan well though when you don't want to exfoliate it all off, but get it looking even after a few days! Xx

  12. i don't really know why i call it a loofah. at first i called it a scrubby thingy as well but then i started watching youtube videos and i saw people called it a loofah, and then i started calling it that.

  13. Hey, I've just spotted another name for them LOL! In Ikea, I've just bought 'njuta' and for the bargain-ous price of £1.49 for a pack of 3!!!

  14. Thanks for the Soap & glory vid...I've been curious about the brand so now I know what to try!
