Monday 2 April 2012

Susie Amy's Latest Role?

Ok so this may well be a totally pointless post for some of you (most of you?) but for those in the dark like myself I had to whizz something up as soon as i made my 'discovery'. I was looking for reviews on Phyto hair care - you know the stuff Laura from buynowbloglater always raves about? - and stumbled upon blusherandblogging. This is generally how I like to find new blogs.. totally organically and with no recommendation while looking for something of mutual interest. So there I am thinking this girl looks awfully familiar and it hits me.. It's only Chardonnay from Footballers Wives - I loved that show! Please let me be clear, I make this reference only to jog the memory's of those in my position, I do not intend to undermine her recent acting roles or what is a very successful beauty blog but y'know.. to me she's Chardonnay! Being a (proud) member of Handpicked Media myself I was shocked further to learn she is also. I regularly trawl through the blogs on their beauty page to find new people to follow so how I have missed her I do not know. 

Anyway.. I will stop rambling and get to the point. I would have course usually just tweeted.. 'go and check out this blog' etc etc blah blah had it not been for her brand new YouTube channel which I thought deserved a blog post. Being new there's not a lot there yet but she's lovely to watch and very budget friendly - nice surprise - which is why I felt the need to share! I will embed one of her videos below as a taster if you will but I urge you to go and subscribe to her channel immediately. I can see her taking off in the 'community' much the way amodelrecommends has due to her celebrity status and assumed Makeup Artists tips. Her blog has been up and running since September last year and as you'd expect it has gathered a fast following but that's for good reason. Celebrity aside it's a really good read, she's tried a lot of products and is just as much beauty-junkie as you or I so whether you a watcher or a reader go and take a look!

Miss BB


  1. Omg I loved footballers wives too. How exciting, Im going to check out her channel now x x

  2. would love it if everyone checked out my blog! thanks so much xxx

  3. She is lovely I have subscribed! Thanks for telling is about her :)
