Wednesday 7 March 2012

Battle of the Body Butters

Pitted against each other today are two of my favourite body products. The Body Shops Shea Body Butter (SB) and Soap & Glorys The Righteous Butter (RB). Let's start with the facts..

Shea Body Butter

Righteous Butter

Ok, so you might think right out of the gate that RB would be the winner on value right? Especially given the constant 3 for 2 offer in Boots on S&G products.. not necessarily! I was among the group that believed the Body Shop was expensive and overpriced until last Christmas when I discovered you can't pay full RRP online if you try!! There's always some deal code to be had and it's often emblazoned across their homepage. Twice in as many months they had £25 off when you spend £50 which is a damn good deal. You get offers when you join you get offers off your next order... when you buy online The Body Shop transforms in to some kind of bargainous clearance bin of lotions and potions. I was converted! I took these photos intending to compare last month but never got around to it. Having just run out of these two butters and repurchased only one I thought now would be a good time.

Let's talk about texture. The RB is a typical Body Butter, thick and luxurious, all you would expect. It spreads nicely and soaks in well. The SB is a completely different animal. It is some kind of hybrid between what I consider to be a body butter and the original cocoa butter formula from Palmers. It' waxier, thicker and it's almost like as it warms on your skin it melts. Because of this a little goes a really long way. It's not like applying a regular lotion its more like massaging actual butter in to your skin. It's not unpleasant in any way just.. very different. The downside to this formula is it does take a long time to soak in and if you rub it too long you get those wretched 'rolly' bits and I end up having to wipe it all off which is a total waste of time! 

The smell. It's so tough to compare the two as they are two totally different scents yet I love them both. (side bar, got a little excited Vegas chill there, totally unrelated but 12 days to go!!!) The RB smells like everything from the Original Pink range from S&G which is generally beloved in the blogging community and proved so popular they even launched a fragrance baring the signature scent. I love that after using this I wake up the next morning and my room smells like Original Pink and I go to bed the following night and my bed smells like Original Pink. Bliss! The SB smells .. well like She Butter. If you know the smell and love it you'll love this, simple as! It's quite relaxing and a nice fragrance to have around you at night and as you go to sleep so that's a plus.

I would say these last around the same amount of time. I dont use them every day but if I did I might just get a month out of them. Although the SB contains less product it goes further so they're even on value for money where that's concerned. I would reach for the SB if I was super dry or to put on my feet before bed (ideal) but I would reach for the RB everyday for everywhere. It's hydrating but it does eventually sink in where the SB doesn't for me unless I'm very dry. I love both of these butters but I repurchased the S&G Righteous Butter for 2 reasons.
1. It's more suited to my skin and 2. I buy it in the 3 for 2 and there's just more from Soap & Glory that I use than there is from the Body Shop! 

Everytime I near the end of a tub I tell myself I'm not spending £10 on another and I always do. In the last 3 for two I bought the butter obviously along with a replacement Wish Upon a Jar (needs it's own review - ah-mazing!) and I'm trying the lotion version of the RB. It's 50p cheaper and 200ml larger so look out for my comparison of the two coming very soon. 

Have any of you tried these two? Which would you have chosen?

Miss BB


  1. I love Righteous Butter! But i only use it as a treat every now and then because i don't want it to run out!
    I recently did a blogpost on my body butter collection :)


    1. yeah I don't use mine every day! I have about 6 different lotions on the go at any one time haha

  2. i still havent tried the righteous butter, i am in love with the bodyshop butters and your right about you can never spend full price if you try! I would love to try s&g range at some point, thanks for a great review xxx

    1. i think if you compared the regular body butters to the S&G the S&G is better value for money but the shea butter is way thicker and lasts a lot longer

  3. I have to say that if I had the choice, I would only ever use the Body Shop body butters. I've tried other similar products and I've never been as impressed with those. I've never paid full price for a BS body butter either - even in store. I pick up lots of them in the sales and they last me until the next sale and usually only cost me about £4 each. I used to love the Soap & Glory scent but now I find it so sickening. I used the Righteous Butter religiously before switching to the BS butters. You should note that not all BS body butters are the same texture - some are for dry/very dry skin and have the hard, waxy texture that you mentioned whereas others are for normal skin and have a texture which is more similar to the RB. I'd definitely check those out if I were you, especially if you can get them as cheaply as I have because they work out cheaper than the RB that way. Sorry for the super long comment!xx

    1. I had been totally put off in the past by the BS butters that are just thick lotions.. full price they are waaaay too expensive for what they are so the shea butter was what turned my head. I still prefer the S&G

  4. I do love the Body Shop body butters - I used to be a Body Shop rep, so have about 5 half empty pots of different scents as I mix and match the ones I use. I know they recently had a half price sale on a lot of their butters too! When I've finally run out, I am tempted to try the S&G one though! xx

  5. I'm a body shop addict, so they'll always beat the gorgeous s&g x

  6. I have both, i think i prefer rb just cos its quicker to slap on lol x

  7. I love RB, just bought a tub so using it every night at the moment and my skin is so soft! Body Shop can be a bit hit and miss - the smells are sometimes too sweet or the textures aren't quite right...but I've never tried the shea butter one, might go see if there's a miniature or something!

  8. Body butter is essential for any skin . It absorbs any skin. TO get more information . Visit :
