Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Guest Blog Post - My Mother & Her Clothes

My mother and her clothes
What my mother wears is fast becoming the bane of my life. Every morning before I go to school I have to check she is wearing an ‘age appropriate’ outfit for the day. When we are out shopping I constantly have to remind her how old she is and that lycra is NOT appropriate. Now, I am all for people having individual styles, but honestly mum, purple cotton trousers with a green trim is taking it a bit far. I think she sometimes forgets she is representing me as well as herself and people will judge me for what she wears. If she comes to collect me from somewhere and is wearing something horrible then I have to run to the car before she gets out and embarrasses me.
One of my mums greatest loves is her work shoes. Why on earth she felt the need to buy the clumpy, black horrible shoes for work is beyond me. Not only that, she then wears theses shoes when she is not at work! She wears them with jeans, skirts and the worst of all, tracksuit bottoms. She looks like she has just got out of bed and pulled random items out of her very own dressing-up box.
Another one of her treasured items is her flannel shorts. Why, why, why?! This material should have never left the factories never mind found it’s way into shops. My mum’s pair are grey and she wears them every single year on holiday, I am sick of seeing them. If I say to her “Why don’t you buy yourself a nice new pair of shorts this year?” She says “There is nothing wrong with these!” Mother, I can think of hundreds of things wrong with them.
My mother’s accessory of choice is her woolly hat. She looks ridiculous in it and I have tried several times to ‘dispose of it’, but sadly our dog keeps digging it up. This hat is black and really bulky, it is possibly one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. Not only that but hats really don’t suit my mum so she looks a million times worse in it. Her excuse is “It’s only for walking the dog in” Yes mother, but just because you are walking the dog it doesn’t make you invisible to everyone else, they can still see the monstrosity you have on your head, I’m surprised the dog isn’t embarrassed.
I think the reason my mum has so many vile clothes is because she shops in places that I would never dream of going in. The kind of shops that are lavender scented and have a ‘no skirts above the knee’ policy. It seems that if you buy a top from one of these shops you have to buy the matching trousers, handbag, fascinator, necklace and broach, all in the same colour – lovely. All her friends shop their too, I bet between them they own the the whole stock, their most used phrase is “Oh! I have that top too!”.
When I have children I am defiantly not going to embarrass them as my mother does to me. Then again, I went shopping today and I saw a lovely beige suit.
About Todays Guest Blogger
My name is Sarah and I am a teenager living in England with a dysfunctional family and an ill- disciplined dog. I like dancing and shopping, much to my dads despair. My blog is basically an outpouring of all the frustrations that teenagers have. It is quite new and it would be really nice if you could give me some feedback. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Aha, great post! totally know how you feel, haha.

  2. I usually go on shopping trips with my Mum haha, that way I can help steer her away from all the minging clothes, and spend a great day with her too!

    Luckily for me, she knows that if I tell her that velvet cardigan needs to be binned, I'm probably right :P

    - Allie x

    Allie x

  3. I actually think you are being a little mean.... Sorry but I think you are just kind of whining and being unfair to your mom!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Hulda,

    It was a joke, please get over it. I'm sure she meant all comments in good humor, there was no need to be so serious.

  6. I actually agree with Hulda, it can't be nice to have your appearance criticised daily, and in public, even if it is only a jokey way.

  7. My mum has a hideous 'dog walking' hat too! This made me chuckle :)
    V xx


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